Short History We are two brothers - Gunnar og Hans Einar Thorset - who grew up in Ål, Hallingdal in the mountain area in the southern part of Norway. Last year we took a holiday to Gambia (Nov 2007). It was there, that we got the idea of driving Hans Einar’s car down to Gambia - to sell it. The car is a Peugeot 505 GTI from 1990..
The idea was quickly aborted, when we realized that there is a law in Senegal (which we would have to obey, since we would driving through Senegal to reach Gambia) which says that no one is allowed to drive a car that is older than five years of age into the country.. After some surfing on the internet we found the solution - the so called - ‘banger-rally’ called “Plymouth - Dakar, the Banjul Challenge”. This is a rally with old cars only worth £100 and goes from Plymouth in England to Banjul (the capital in Gambia) and we would still to be allowed to drive through Senegal as long as a local officer would be sitting in the backseat of our car all the way through Senegal to be sure that we would also drive the car of the country - and not just dump the car in the there.